OKRSOL membership helps our organization create a louder voice for reform, but it is also useful and rewarding for the member. Membership connects you with others who understand registry issues and is a great way to learn valuable information on how to live with the registry laws while learning how to advocate the change of those laws.
OKRSOL has several working teams, and more being developed. There are so many ways to volunteer with us. Every member makes a difference and all contributions to our work is significant, no matter how great or small.
Legislative Advocacy
The legislative team is responsible for lobbying the legislature on behalf of the organization and its members to pass beneficial laws and prevent harmful laws from being passed. The work of this group includes researching current law, introduced legislative bills, and facts regarding the laws for use in lobbying; preparing talking points and position statements on specific bills as well as developing our advocacy gameplan such as letter and email campaigns; communicating regularly with lawmakers by email, phone, and in person meetings; attending meetings of the legislature and committees on relevant issues, and drafting bills to present to the legislature in a coordinated effort with law makers.
Media Communications
The communications team is responsible for media communications such as producing and distributing press releases, corresponding with important media figures, replying to articles by presenting accurate facts, and developing media campaigns. In addition to media communications, this group is responsible for public education initiatives including developing and distributing informational materials to the general public, speaking to community organizations about the issues, and other public education activities. There are several roles for team members, with people serving as “monitors” (searching for articles), “responders” (responding to these articles), as well as writers and public speakers. As programs develop, the public education functions may be assumed by a separate team dedicated to those tasks.
The outreach team is responsible for recruiting and engaging new members and maintaining the membership database. This includes developing information and marketing materials for the organization in conjunction with the communications committee as needed. This team may develop and work on other projects, for example, developing resource lists for members, for those who are registrants and for their families to include employment and housing opportunities. These supportive efforts may be assumed by a separate team dedicated to this work.
New teams are actively in development as our membership grows and volunteers express their ability to contribute utilizing their talents and experience. We are looking at new teams with interest in the areas of:
Member Support
Social Media
Graphic Design
Also, we are always needing more volunteers interested in Writing and Research. If you have interest in any of the above areas, please indicate within the space provided within our membership application.
OKRSOL now has two platforms for its members.
OKRSOL has a membership subscription service for all members to receive notifications from OKRSOL by email. This email group is essential for staying connected with our organization, to be notified about meetings, events, advocacy efforts, volunteer opportunities, news, and much more. Please indicate within the application on this page if you would like to subscribe to receive OKRSOL notifications.
OKRSOL also has an online members-only forum. This is where many of our topics and issues are shared and discussed. This new forum is a great tool to connect with other members, learn about the work we do, and discuss the many issues that registrants and their families face regularly. Any questions, that you may have, can be quickly answered within the forum when you become a member and get connected. Indicate within the application if you would like to sign up for this benefit.
(If a member is unable to utilize internet or email, they can still connect with us when we have conference calls and opt-in to receive our newsletter by mail.)
To make a donation to OKRSOL, click the link below.
If you would like to become a member of OKRSOL, start the process today and complete the application on this page, and one of our support volunteers will contact you.

There are so many ways you can be a part of what we do.
We look forward to hearing from you.