Many people have changed their lives, turning away from a life of drugs, alcohol, or violence and left their criminal behaviors in their past. They can say, "I put that behind me years ago. I am not that any more, and it does not define who I am today." Society now supports their efforts to live a life as changed, better, sober or in recovery. Most former offenders, convicted of a sexual crime, have been through therapy or group treatment programs and have not re-offended in years. They have the same right to claim, "I am NOT a sex offender, the registry does not define me, and I do not accept that label."
For any government to label a group of people with a criminal behavior is oppression. Calling someone a "sex offender" after he or she has completed a prison sentence and has shown a repentant heart, negatively affects their re-entry into society and the sustained survival for both them and their families. Placing lifetime stigmas on anyone is vengeful and punitive. Where is their hope of redemption? What about their rights and liberties as citizens of our country? Everyone should have the same opportunities to put their past behind them and move forward.
In his 2004 State of the Union address, President George W. Bush said, “America is the land of second chances, and when the gates of the prison open, the path ahead should lead to a better life.”
We agree, and this statement should apply to ALL people, no matter their race, gender, social status or criminal conviction. Even those, who have been convicted of a sexual offense and paid their debt for their crime, should be given the same opportunities to live a better life upon release, a second chance to find a new path ahead of them. Because this is true, we advocate to make a difference. We take our collective voice and speak up for what is right, for what is constitutional and what is just. For all the lives affected by the sex offender registry in Oklahoma, we advocate for change, to reform the laws making them rationally based on fact rather than fear. Welcome to OKRSOL.